Faith Formation

Education at FPCE is multi-generational and continuous. Learning about the Gospel, listening to Jesus’ teachings and growing our faith in God begins with our 3 year olds and does not cease as time moves on or gray hairs emerge. 

As only a 5 year old can best describe their Sunday lessons, “We get to make projects and play. We learn that God is in our hearts. He is good.”

  • Children - The children ages 3 years old through 3rd grade meet for Sunday School lessons during the 10:45 worship service. Current Curriculum: Growing in Grace & Gratitude.

  • Youth - Our 4th through 8th grade students meet for Sunday School lessons during the 10:45 worship service. Current Curriculum: Growing in Grace & Gratitude.

  • High School - Our youth group meets at 12:15pm on Sundays. Current Curriculum: Follow Me.

  • Adult - The adult education group meets between services at 9:30 a.m. Current Curriculum: Feasting on the Word.

Photo is of youth and chaperones on the July 2023 trip to Chicago with Be the Neighbor. The trip was in collaboration with the First Baptist Church of Edwardsville youth group.

Top row left to right: Madison, Logan, Emilio (Jr. Chaperone), Jack, Ashlyn, Kalyn (Pastor), Melissa (Chaperone). Bottom row left to right: Briley, Evie, Elena, Hannah (Chaperone)

Youth Ministry

  • Grades 6th through 12th gather weekly on Sundays at 12:15pm for fellowship and faith conversations.

  • Confirmation Class takes place in 8th grade.


Adult Choir

The multi-generational FPCE Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of music, enhancing the worship service with selections from the traditional to the contemporary. The choir provides worship leadership during the 10:45 service throughout the school year, from Labor Day through Memorial Day. During the choir season, we rehearse each Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., with special Saturday rehearsals and extra services during the Advent and Easter seasons. Advent and Passion Week Cantatas are presented in both the 8:30 and 10:45 services. This dedicated, hard-working group welcomes new members with open arms and deep gratitude.

Children’s Choir

The Children’s Chorus enhances the Christian walk of our children (age 3-grade 5) through song and shares their joyfulness of worship during the second service throughout the year. Children grade 6 and above are always welcome to be helpers. And, while helping guide young voices, our helpers also allow the chorus to become acquainted not only with one part singing but, also, with harmonic voicing. The Chorus practices weekly–just before the second service–from 10:25-10:40 a.m.

Handbell Choir

The multi-generational FPCE Handbell Choir rehearses every Thursday evening during the school year (from Labor Day through Memorial Day) from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The choir rings during both 8:30 and 10:45 services at least once a month.  Ringing since fall of 2017, our Handbell Choir has two main goals: to enjoy working together as a worshipful team and to share inspiring music with the congregation as often as possible. New members are always welcome, either as regulars or subs. The only requirements are that volunteers be tall enough to see the music and be willing to commit to rehearsal and worship for the entire fall season, including Advent and Christmas presentations, and/or the entire spring season, including Passion Week and Easter.  One need not be able to read music initially; we will teach the basics needed for bell ringing. All ages and abilities are welcome to join us! Click here to experience a recent offering from the Handbell Choir.

Men’s Group

The Men's Group is not currently meeting. All men are invited to enjoy lively discussions on most topics (we try to solve all the world's problems!). If you enjoy fun, jokes, good times, coffee and especially cookies, then this is the place for you! We also will occasionally have some serious discussions!

Women’s Group

Presbyterian Women (PW) is a group of dedicated women faithfully giving their time and many talents to serve Christ, the members of the church, locally as well as worldwide, and the community at large.  PW organizations exist at the local, presbytery, synod and national levels of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The purpose of PW reads: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

At First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, PW sponsors a potluck at noon on the first Wednesday of the month (September through June) to which all members of the church, women and men, are invited for lunch, a short business meeting, devotion and brief program. 

PW has one main fundraiser each year  - the Invisible Bake Sale - which supports donations to local and regional ministries as well as needs in our church, particularly the kitchen.

Wednesday Spiritual Growth Group

The Wednesday Spiritual Growth Group meets on Wednesdays from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. in a hybrid format. It is primarily composed of women who study scripture with the aid of study resources, and offer intercessory prayer for the needs of our church members and friends.

Very few Wednesdays have passed when the group did not meet.  Occasionally men in addition to the reverend attend our meetings. In the early years, the leadership was passed around among members.  

We share leadership responsibilities  and there have been periods when we had one strong leader. Sometimes a member will volunteer to lead discussion on relevant books.  We often celebrate birthdays by going out to lunch. We have taken "field trips" such as visiting a labyrinth, and sometimes we watch movies with themes similar to our study. It is very refreshing to hear members speak of their experience in this group. Many of us feel that it has been very influential in our spiritual lives and has helped us also to develop very deep and long lasting friendships.

Music and Arts

Music and the Arts are important elements of worship and a venue for fellowship among the professionals and many volunteers working to create and perform in ministry to the church.

Music and the arts in Worship Services achieve a balance between faithfulness to the norms of our Presbyterian Christian tradition and relevance to the cultural forms appealing to new generations of worshipers, emphasizing music that is both excellent and chosen from a variety of styles. Contributions of the fine arts allow our worship to make room for the adoration of God that emphasizes God’s mystery and holiness.