Sunday Mornings
Worship at 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
Adult Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.
Pre-k thru 8th grade Sunday School at 10:45 a.m.
at FPCE are reverent, prayerful and organized to offer a thoughtful blend of both new and traditional elements in an effort to be inviting to all. Most services take place in our single-level sanctuary that is easy to navigate.
Sermons are inspirational and scripture-based. Children are engaged in the Bible at their level educational level through the “Children’s Sermon” and “The Good Shepherd Program”.
Our recently renovated organ envelops congregants with beautiful music that praises God, and our choirs lead congregants in song that exudes a grateful joy for the freedom to live Christ-centered lives.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month and at special events. Our communion table is shared with all who call Christ Lord and Savior. Here you will find a relaxed, close-knit faith community that welcomes all of those who seek to know God through Jesus Christ.
The late worship service often includes an age-appropriate children’s sermon, after which the children leave the worship space for Sunday school. The current Sunday School curriculum being used is Growing in Grace and Gratitude.
Our nursery staff, Charis, provides a warm and fun environment for infants and toddlers to explore a wide range of toys and activities while their parents enjoy worship. The nursery is available for both the 8:30 and 10:45 services.
The Sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church Edwardsville is graced by a set of 7 faceted glass windows created by Emil Frei and Associates of St. Louis, Missouri. The first six windows were dedicated on September 11, 1983, and graced the Sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church Edwardsville’s North Kansas campus. When that building was decommissioned, the windows were removed and reincorporated into the new Ridgeview Road campus. They were joined by “The Beginning” circle window on March 18, 2018, to celebrate the beginning of the congregation’s 200th year.