Pastor's Annual Report
lower-left panel, “The Parable of the Sowed Seed,” art-glass window, FPCE
delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, held virtually by electronic means, 01.24.2021
It has become somewhat trite to describe 2020 as a “year unlike any other.” Still, it is difficult to overstate how many ways in which our expectations for the year had to shift or go unrealized. At some later date, when we return to a time in which events feel more predictable, we will look back and remember the ways our church’s experiences of community moved from face-to-face to virtual via electronic means. We’ll remember the creation and implementation of a severe-infectious-disease response plan. We’ll recall the ways our schedules and methods of ministry shifted regularly in order to adjust to new information, or meet the challenges of a particular task. We’ll also be able to say that the people First Presbyterian Church Edwardsville met challenges in admirable ways. Among some limited measures, and despite painful experiences of illness or tragedy,
Our congregation ended the year with about 11 more members than we began, due to the reception of the confirmation class in May (seven confirmands) and adult new members Anastasia A., Eric and Rita F., and Brian and Karla H.
As reports by the Fiscal Management Team and Stewardship Committee highlight, giving has remained strong throughout the pandemic, and pledged donations for year 2021 likewise are relatively strong, at this writing just $640 less than last year’s total.
Seemingly ironic for a pandemic year, there were fewer departures to grieve, only one member funeral to officiate, and one staff member departure, that being our nursery worker Marissa B., now employed as an elementary-school teacher.
When I read an annual report from any organization, I like to learn not only about the past, but also catch some glimpse of the future. As we contemplate ministry priorities for the year ahead, I’ll mention five that we might consider, if Covid-19 restrictions, time, and energy allow:
In terms of our program, I’d like to see the session’s hopes for a new Christian Education Director more fully realized in the re-establishment of summer trips for the youth, and a re-invigorated Sunday school program, virtually at first.
In terms of outreach, I’d like elders to consider expanding our most successful outreach activity of the past two years: “Trunk or Treat.” This past October, and during a pandemic, most people on site were NOT church members, and more than 40 children from the community participated. What might happen if we put more time and energy into this event, and consider ways of more fully expressing hospitality and welcome?
In terms of facility, I’d like to create and task a small team to work toward approval and building of a new playground area on the north end of the building. We have years of scrip funds available, and one additional donor who has stepped forward, to get us started. Despite potential funding, safety, and insurance challenges, this is a way in which we might continue to build a bridge between our church and the surrounding community, and make the campus more inviting to our current children and new children.
In terms of our organizational structure, it seems a natural time to consider two changes,
first, a change to the deacons structure in which videography team is integrated, so that in the long run, it may be supported by the annual nominating process and placement;
second I’m wondering whether our recent experience of a youth committee and a faith formation team working separately from one another can be well supported, or whether it is time to return to a practice in which we have one integrated “Christian Education Team.”
Finally, looking a bit further into the future, we are only 17 months away from the summer 2022, the time I’ve envisioned my next sabbatical would take place. As part of the preparation for a sabbatical, this coming year I’d like to further work toward the staff design that would hopefully be in place at least a few months before, with possibly a new associate pastor position (perhaps filled by Kalyn) and/or a new part-time parish associate position.
As I back away from the detail, and offer some final observations from a bird’s-eye view, I note that I’ve completed service as a presbytery liaison to a few area congregations. In early December, I completed a term of service on the board of Faith-in-Action Edwardsville/Glen Carbon. In August, 2020, I completed 33 years of pastoral ministry. Eight days from now, on February 1, I will celebrate 19 years of service as your pastor.
I could not be fruitful or effective in my ministry without the leadership and support of many people. I’ve thanked our deacons and elders at the December session meeting. Today I add my thanks to the members our staff: Robert R., Annis H., Beth P., Jim S., and Kalyn S.
I am grateful for the time, talents, and treasure that each member and friend commits to God so that our church may fulfill its vital mission to be “Christ for the world today.”
In Christ’s Service,
John C. Hembruch, Pastor
The full annual report document is available to members upon request,